AI Toolbar Button

AI Toolbar Button

AI toolbar button


npx @udecode/plate-ui@latest add ai-toolbar-button -r plate-ui



  1. Position your cursor at the end of a paragraph where you want to add or modify text.
  1. Press Control + Space to trigger Copilot
  1. Copilot will automatically suggest completions as you type.
  1. Choose from the suggested completions:
  • Tab:Accept the entire suggested completion
  • Command + Right Arrow: Complete one character at a time
  • Escape: Cancel the Copilot
'use client';
import React from 'react';
import { withRef } from '@udecode/cn';
import { AIChatPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-ai/react';
import { useEditorPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-common/react';
import { ToolbarButton } from './toolbar';
export const AIToolbarButton = withRef<typeof ToolbarButton>(
  ({ children, }, ref) => {
    const { api } = useEditorPlugin(AIChatPlugin);
    return (
        onClick={() => {

Plate Plus

In Plate Plus, we provides more advanced styles and complete backend setup

All of the backend setup is available in Potion template.